Home Customer Action Screen Creating Quick Tickets

Creating Quick Tickets

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Watch the video on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5bGfFvZH8A&feature=youtu.be) for a timestamps to each section in the description.

To see what customizations are available for the Quick Ticket printout, please view this document (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Y9GdDL7MVA46Y_a2ozQzMj58RNLRWFAluAlDvjuzjlw/edit?usp=sharing)

When creating a quick ticket, useful when customers are in queue, it is necessary to follow these steps:

1 ) Select pick up arrangements (select date from calendar or pick up date)

2) Select number of pieces ( Dry cleaning, laundry, etc)

3 ) Press blue button ( create ticket)