Home Detailing Invoices

Detailing Invoices

By Ava Oscuro
7 articles

Creating Invoices

- To create an invoice, search for the customer you want to create an invoice for and click the New Invoice button. If you don’t know how to search for customers or need to create a customer, please use the articles below: a. Create a new Customer - https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/how-to-create-a-new-customer b. Searching for Customers - https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/customer-walk-in-searching-for-customers - Below are the main elements of this screen. We will get into the details of each as well as some of the other buttons and options. a. Item Categories – These are the item categories that your store manages. Within each category, for example Suit as we’ll see on the next step, are the individual garments that reside inside the Suit category. These item category names, background color, layout and images are all customizable, so your screen may look a little different if it has already been configured with your items. b. Item Modifiers – These are description options for your items, you can specify the color, pattern and material. The colors are also item categories, with additional shades of the colors within each color category. c. Quantity – These are the buttons used to assign a quantity to an item. d. Item List – This area will list all the items that have been added to the invoice along with additional details that have been selected for the item. Let’s add an item. - When I press the Suit item category, two things happen simultaneously. The first is that the a third column appears showing all the Suit options I have configured in the system. The second is that for speed, the first item from the list of Suits is added to the Item List. We can see an invoice item for an M-L 2pc Suit. We’ll review those details on the next step. If I don’t want the 2pc Suit, I just select the Suit option I need from the dynamic 3rd column that has appeared displaying all the options. So next, I will click on the Men’s 3pc Tuxedo. - Now, the description reads Men’s 3pc Tuxedo, also, I’ve selected the Blue, Plain and Cotton buttons, you can see that description has been added to the item as well. - The individual line items that appear in the Item List display some useful information. I’ve added a few more items to highlight the distinctions. a. Quantity – This number indicates the quantity of items that are being entered. This field can be clicked on and edited.b. Service Tag – This indicates the service type for the garment. In this case, it is an “L” for Laundry. In the item beneath, you see a “P” for Press Only in the same position. In the last item, we see a “D” for Dry Cleaning. This field is not editable. c. Item Name – This is the name of the selected garment. It can be clicked on and edited. d. Starch Level – Indicates the starch level to be applied to the garment. Currently, it shows “HS” for Heavy Starch. e. Item Modifiers – This is the list of descriptors or modifiers that have been applied to the item. It also serves as a note field. Users can click on this field and type any special instructions or requirements they may need. f. Item Price – Indicates the price of the item. This field can be clicked on and edited. g. Upcharge – Indicates the upcharge amount applied to the item. This field can be clicked on and edited. h. Discount – Indicates the discount amount applied to the item. This field is not editable. - To add items of a quantity greater than one, click on the quantity you wish to add. In this example the button “3”. If you need 2 or more digits, just click on the numbers you need. For example, for 23, I would click on the “2” then the “3”. Note that the system creates an empty line item and waits for you to select the specific item. - Now that we have our empty line item showing quantity “3”, I select my item, in this case, pants. Now the line item indicates 3 pants. - At the bottom of the Item List are the totals for the order as well as other important information. a. Pieces – The sum of all the garment pieces in the order. b. SubTotal – This is the total amount due for the order prior to discounts and taxes. c. Discount – Sum of discounts applied to the order. d. Env. Tax – The environmental taxes applied to this order. These are calculated at the item level and the sum is shown here. e. Tax – The total taxes applied to the order. These are calculated at the item level ad the sum is shown here. f. Total – The total due for the order. - Once you have added all the items to your order, click the large green Print button at the bottom right of the screen. The documents that are printed and the number of copies for each can be configured. However, by default the system will print the following: a. Customer Receipt – Will show all the items on the order and the customer’s ticket number. For example, a ticket number could be number 123. b. Invoices – The invoices, or shop tickets. These are for the shop to internally label the orders. By default, the system will split tickets by service type. In the example below, we have a laundry item and a dry cleaning item. So, continuing with our ticket number 123, the system will split invoice 123-1 for the Dry Cleaning item(s) and invoice 123-2 for the Laundry item(s). The automatic splitting by service type can be disabled and invoices can be manually split as well. c. Tags – The system will print a Wet Tag for each piece in the order. This can be disabled if your operation does not require them.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Applying Upcharges to Items

If your store manages upcharges for certain tasks, such as hand-pressing items or upcharges by material or color, they can easily be applied to items from the invoicing screen. This article assumes two things: a. First, that you know how to create a basic invoice. If you don’t know how to do this, please refer to this article: https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/creating-invoices b. Second, that you have configured upcharges for your items. If you don’t know how to do this, please refer to this article: https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/adding-item-modifiers-upcharges With both of those conditions met, let's work with upcharges. - From the invoicing screen, select an item for which you have configured upcharges. In this example, we will use the Suit category which I have selected in the image below. From this category, I will select the Men’s 2pc Tuxedo. - Now that I have my Men’s 2pc Tuxedo selected, I will apply an upcharge to it. To do this, I press the Upcharge button highlighted below. - After pressing the Upcharge button, the two far right columns will change to show the upcharges for that item on the left column and the designers configured in the system on the right column. These buttons are configured in the Item & Price section. If you press this button and no upcharge buttons appear, it is because the selected item does not have upcharges configured. To configure upcharges, please refer to this article: https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/adding-item-modifiers-upcharges Upcharges can be applied to any modifier button, such as Colors, Patterns, Materials, Designers or custom options you create. - In this case, we are going to select the Over Size upcharge. - Once selected, the upcharge description is added into the line item and the upcharge price is added to the upcharge price field. Both are highlighted below. Adding additional upcharges requires the same steps described above. The additional upcharges will be included in the description and their prices will be added to the Upcharge price field.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Applying or Removing Discounts & Coupon

To apply or remove discounts and coupons you need to start by adding items to your ticket. You do this from the Detail Invoice screen. If you don’t know how this is done, please refer to this article (https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/creating-invoices). First, we need to notice what our selected item is. This is shown by the small thin red line next to the item. This is our active or selected item. So that if we were to apply a coupon or a discount to a selected item, that is the one we are referring to. Next, we click on the _Discounts/Prepay_button. - A modal will appear with the information required to apply a discount or coupon. The buttons horizontally across the top, determine to what item or items the discount or coupon will be applied. You can Discount All or just the Selected item, as explained in the previous step, or you can apply discounts and coupons by service type. Next, in the section beneath that, you can select what discount or coupon you want to apply. The options on the left are Discounts, meaning they will apply a percentage discount, like 5% off one or more items. The options on the right, are coupons and will apply an absolute amount discount, like $5 off one or more items. We will be selecting the Happy Friday discount and then we hit the Apply button on the bottom-right of the form. If you don’t know how to setup discounts and coupons in your system, please refer to the following articles: 1. Creating Discounts - https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/configure-percentage-discounts 2. Creating Coupons - https://help.darkpos.com/hc/docs/articles/configure-coupons - The Happy Friday discount was applied and because we had selected to discount all of the items, a 5% discount was applied to each item in the list. The total discount is shown in the summary section beneath the line items. - Let’s remove this discount and apply a coupon. To do this, we click on the Discounts/Prepay button again. - On the modal, we select the Remove Discount button. Note that once again, we are choosing Discount All, so in this case, the discount removal, will apply to all our items. If I wanted to, I could remove the discount from a particular item by having selected that item first and then choosing Selected from the discount modal below. - Now the discount was removed and all the discount fields have all been returned to 0, and the Discount total in the summary section has been updated. - Now, we go back into the discounts and this time we choose to apply it only to the selected item. I click on Selected from the top. Note that the selected item is the one with the thin red line to the left of the line item, this is highlighted by a blue box in the picture below. On the bottom portion, I’m going to select the Happy Birthday coupon from the option on the right. Note that with coupons you can also specify the quantity of coupons to be applied. When working with coupons it is important to verify that the items to which the coupon will be applied, are of greater value than the coupon. The system will consume the coupon until the balance on the item is $0. It will not create negative entries. So if I apply a $5 coupon to a $3 shirt, the system will leave the shirt at $0, and the remaining $2 of the coupon, that did not get consumed, will be lost. In our example below, I am applying a $10 coupon to the Selected 2pc Suit line item which is worth $25. When I have selected my coupon, I press the Apply button. - Once applied, I can see that the $10 coupon was applied in the discount field for only the selected item. Also, in the detail of the item, it shows the name of the coupon that was applied.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Using Manual Item

On occasion, you will receive items that are not included in your price list. These items may be so uncommon that you don’t wish to include them in your price list, but you still must address them in the moment. When such a situation arises, you need to create a manual item. 1. To create a manual item, from the Detail Invoice screen, press the Manual Item button. 1. A modal will appear with all the fields necessary to create the item. The first step is to select the service type, from the drop-down. In our example, we will select the Tailoring service. 1. Next, we must fill in the remaining fields. a. Garment: This is the name of the garment that will be added, in our example, we will say we are reweaving a parachute. b. Pieces: The number of pieces the item has, this will determine how many tags are printed for the item. c. Quantity: Determines how many of the item the customer has given us. d. Upcharge: Allows you to add an additional charge for the item, this can be anything you need. e. Price: The price is how much you will charge the customer of the item. This does not include the upcharge if you specified one. So the total amount for the customer will be the price plus the upcharge. 1. When you have completed the fields, just press the Ok button on the form. This will add the item to the invoice. 1. Once added, you can work with the item like you would any other item. You can add colors, patterns, materials, other upcharges, manual notes, etc. Note that we created a Tailoring item, and the line item does show the correct service designation, in this case, the “T” for tailoring.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Using Invoice Hold

Watch the video on YouTube with timestamps in the Description for easier navigation. If you prefer to read to learn how to do this, just continue down this document. Invoice Hold allows you to stop working on an invoice prior to saving it, without losing your changes. For example, if you are detailing an invoice but a customer comes in and needs to pay for an order, you can hold the invoice, receive the payment and then come back to the invoice you were working. A few considerations: 1 . The system only allows you to place ONE invoice on hold. 2 . You CANNOT create a new invoice while one is on Hold. The held invoice must be either completed or discarded before creating a new invoice. 3 . To use the Hold invoice function, simply start adding items to an invoice. When ready, press the H old button. 4 . The system will automatically direct you to the Customer Search so you can take other actions, such as take payments. The only action you CANNOT take is to detail another invoice. Detailing another invoice will eliminate the one that is currently on hold. 5 . When you are ready to complete the invoice you were working with. Search for the customer whose invoice you were creating, in our example, that was Diane Prince. Then from the Customer Action screen, press the Invoice button in the footer. It is important that you press the Invoice button after you have searched for the customer you were working with. Otherwise, the Invoice button will have a different function, which is a shortcut to the Invoice Change screen. 6 . The Invoice button will take you back to the invoice you have on hold for that customer with all the details you had previously added.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Using Heat Seal

Watch the video on YouTube with timestamps in the description for ease of navigation. If you prefer to read how to Use Heat Seal, just continue with the article below. The Heat Seal feature requires configuration. If you wish to start using Heat Seal in your system, please contact [email protected] with your request. 1. Scanning your Heat Seal barcode You may scan or enter your heat seal barcode in the barcode field near the top of the Detail Invoice screen (Pic 1.1). If that field is not visible in your system, your system has not been configured to use barcodes, please contact [email protected] to request this. If you are using a scanner, it’s very important that your cursor is in that field prior to making your scan. Next, scan or enter your barcode. If you are manually inputting it, you will need to press “Enter” on your keyboard to commit the barcode (Pic 1.2). If you are using a scanner, it will automatically commit it to the system. Pic 1.1 Pic 1.2 2. Detailing the Barcode When the Barcode is committed by scanning it or pressing “Enter” on your keyboard. The system will create an empty item with the barcode and display a creation confirmation at the bottom-left of the screen (Pic 2.1). At this point, the system is waiting for you to detail the barcode. In this case, we’ve created a D/C Shirt that’s also Blue, with a Check pattern and of a Polyester material (Pic 2.2). All these details will be stored with the barcode. The next time the barcode returns to the store, when the employee scans it, the item will load exactly as it was created. Finally, we commit our barcode to the system by saving the invoice, most commonly this will happen by pressing the green print button at the bottom-right, or using one of the print options under the More Options button (Pic 2.3). Pic 2.1 Pic 2.2 Pic 2.3 3. Recalling Barcodes Once the barcode has been created, to use it in the system you just need to scan or enter the barcode value into the Barcode field (Pic 3.1). Once the barcode is entered, the system will register the item tied to that barcode, with all the details it was created with (Pic 3.2). Pic 3.1 Pic 3.2 4. Common Errors The system will protect users from making certain mistakes with barcodes. For example, if a barcode is already in an open order that has not been picked up and the user tries to apply it again to another invoice, the system will display an error notifying them that the barcode is already in an open order and tell them the invoice number (Pic 4.1). If a user attempt to apply a barcode belonging to one customer to an invoice for a different customer, the system will display an error letting them know that barcode belongs to a different customer and tell them the customer’s name (Pic 4.2). If the user tries to duplicate a barcode on an invoice, the system will display an error notifying them that the barcode has already been included in the invoice (Pic 4.3). Pic 4.1 Pic 4.2 Pic 4.3 5. Tailoring and Press Only If the garment needs to be tailored, the system will add a tailoring job tied to that barcode and will duplicate the barcode for the Tailoring job (Pic 5.1). Tailoring jobs are the only exception to the no duplicate barcodes rule. In the case that an item returns for the Press Only service, the service type and price will be modified according to the price list, but the barcode and the details will be retained (Pic 5.2). In both cases, the next time the barcode returns to the store, when scanned it will always show the service it was originally created for. For example, in our case, we created this barcode for Dry Cleaning. So, if we process a Tailoring or Press Only order when the barcode returns to the store and is scanned, it will appear for Dry Cleaning. Pic 5.1 Pic 5.2 6. Common Barcode Settings There are several settings that cleaners utilize with the Barcode feature. All of these must be configured, you may request them by emailing [email protected]. A. Requiring a Barcode – This prevents the user from adding an item to the Invoice Detail screen unless it has a barcode. B. Requiring Item Modifiers – This requires the user to enter any combination of Color, Upcharge, Pattern, Material and/or Designer per item. For example, if I require Color and add a Jacket, before I can add the next item, I must assign the Jacket a Color. C. Disabling the Quantity Buttons – If you only use barcodes, you only need a quantity of 1 per item. This setting locks the quantity at 1 and disables the quantity buttons so the users can’t accidentally enter a quantity other than 1 for a specific barcode. D. Auto Barcodes – This feature allows you to enter multiple items without a barcode, for example, 5 items. When all 5 items are entered, the user enters one barcode into the barcode field and the system will assign a barcode for the remaining items in sequence. If the barcode entered is M00001, the system will start from 1 and assign the remaining items M00002, M00003, M00004, M00005. This is a bit faster because the employee does not have to enter the barcode for each item. However, it requires that the barcode numbering be in a sequence. Also, this setting is not compatible with requiring a barcode, as the items must be entered without a barcode prior to them being assigned one.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024