Home Invoice Change/Detail Invoice

Invoice Change/Detail Invoice

By Ava Oscuro
2 articles

Editing Tickets and Invoices

Editing Tickets and Invoices Watch the Invoice Change or the Invoice Manager videos on YouTube with timestamps in the description for easier navigation. If you prefer to read how to do this, just continue with the article below. Occasionally, items on tickets and invoices need to be modified after they have been created, be it to correct mistakes or simply due to business needs. In any case, Enlite provides a way for you to edit tickets and/or invoices that have been created. - You can reach the editing screen for a ticket in 2 different ways. The first is simply to click Invoice Change on the main menu. - On the following screen, search for the ticket that needs to be edited. You can enter the ticket number, customer name, or just scan the ticket barcode. In the example below, we will be working with ticket 711. Click or touch the ticket you wish to edit. - Once you have selected the ticket, the system behaves just like when you are detailing tickets except it shows the items that were already included in that ticket. In our example below, ticket 711 contains a skirt and a blazer. - On this screen you can add or remove items as you would normally. For our example, I am going to add a dry clean shirt. Once ready, just press the green print button to commit the changes to the system and to print the documents reflecting the changes. - Because we added an item to the Ticket, as opposed to simply modifying a note or adding a modifier like a color, the system will prompt with the Invoice Manager, so you can specify how to split this ticket. We must assign the new item we added (on the left) to an invoice (on the right). Below are the components of the Invoice Manager. 1. Unassigned Garments – These are the garments that must be assigned to an invoice, usually, they will be the new garments that have been added to the ticket. The chevron next to each item, can be clicked or touched to assign the garment to an invoice (on the right). 2. Assigned Garments – These are the garments that are contained in a given Invoice. The chevron on the left of the item can be clicked or touched to remove the garment from the current invoice. 3. Invoice Number – This is the current Invoice number. In the example below, it has “1”. This means the items on the right side, are currently, assigned to invoice 1, or 711-1. 4. Add Invoice – Click or touch this button, to add another invoice to the ticket, for example, we could add a second invoice, 711-2. 5. Delete Invoice – If we create too many invoices, we can delete one using this button. If you delete an invoice with assigned garments, the garments will just be moved to the Unassigned Garments section on the left side. 6. Invoice Due Date – Each invoice has its own Due Date. You can change the date/time by clicking on the date/time fields. 7. Piece Count Warning – The red section on the bottom of the Invoice Manager is a warning that the piece count has changed. We added an item to the ticket, so the warning appears to let us know that the piece count of the ticket has changed. - I want to split this new Dry Clean shirt into its own Invoice, with a different due date. To do this, I click the Add Invoice button, to create 711-2. Then click on the Dry Clean Shirt chevron, to assign it to that invoice. In the picture below, you can see the invoice field is showing the number 2, for 711-2, and the item has been assigned to the invoice. - To change the Due Date for that Invoice, simply click on the date or time field and you will be presented with a date or time picker so you can select what you need. In the example below, I changed the due date of 711-2, to 1/25/2019. - If we return to invoice 1, or 711-1, we can see it still has its own items and due date. Each invoice behaves independently, and you can navigate to each using that drop-down. If you are editing a ticket that had previously been split into multiple invoices, the Invoice Manager will show the items the way they were previously split and you can make any of the edits we have been discussing. - When ready, you can commit the changes and print all the order documents by clicking the Save button. If you press the More Options button, you will be able to select the documents you want printed for this order. - On the Pick/Pay screen, in the blue boxes, we can see that both Invoices were created (711-1 and 711-2) and that 711-2 has a due date for 01/25 and 711-1 retained the original due date of 01/14. Also, in the red box, we can see the second way to reach the editing screen. Simply click on the little blue edit icon for any Invoice, and you will be taken to the Invoice Change screen for that ticket. So if we click on the little edit icon in the red box for Invoice 711-2, we’ll be taken to the Invoice Change screen we were just working on for ticket 711.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024