Home Item & Price

Item & Price

By Ava Oscuro
4 articles

Adding Items to your Price List

Price Lists are living documents, they constantly evolve and change. Enlite makes it easy to add and edit your price list. - From the Main Menu, select the “Office” button. - From the Office menu, select the “Item and Price” button. - You can use the 2 menus on the top-left to navigate your services and categories. 1. Services 2. Categories Make the selection for the service and category for which you wish to add an item. - Once you have navigated to the Service and Category you want, you are ready to add an item. To do this, in the text box below, enter the name of the item you wish to add. In the example below, we will be adding Capri Pants. Once you have entered the item name, press the green + button. - After pressing the green + button the new item will show in your price list. - Once added, you can edit the details of the item. For example, adding the Price or the Press Only prices in each pricing schedule. To do this simply click on the number you want to change and key in the amount. In the example below, we have added a price of 5.75 for the Capri Pants. Note that when you make a change, the field turns yellow briefly, and then turns green. When the field has turned green, the change you made has been committed and saved to the database. - The “T” and “E” checkbox columns highlighted below are for Taxes and Environmental Taxes, respectively. If your item needs to have Taxes or Environmental Taxes applied, check the corresponding checkbox. - The last field we will cover in this article is the Pricing field. This determines the type of price that will apply to the item. A. Regular: This is the most common price type. When creating a ticket on the Detail Invoice screen, if the Capri Pants button is pushed, it will charge the customer 5.75 as has been entered in the Price field. B. Manual: This pricing type is used when prices for an item are variable. It is most commonly applied for Tailoring options. If we were using Manual pricing, when the Capri Pants button is pushed on the Detail Invoice screen, a modal will appear, for the user to enter the price that should be charged for that item. C. Multiple: This pricing type is used when pricing should apply per unit. It is most commonly used for Wash & Fold, which is typically charged by the kilogram, or pound. If we were using Multiple pricing, when the Capri Pants button is pushed on the Detail Invoice screen, a modal will appear, for the user to enter how many units are being charged. So, if we entered 3 units, the client would be charged 17.25 (5.75 * 3 units). Please review our other articles regarding Item & Price to learn how to add Item Modifiers (Upcharges) or change the Order of the items in an item category.

Last updated on Jul 30, 2024

Adding Item Modifiers (Upcharges)

Adding Item Modifiers (Upcharges, Damages, Materials, Patterns & Designers) to Items Adding upcharges to items is a two-step process. First upcharges are added as Item Modifiers, then they are applied to each item. In this example, we will be adding a “Hand Pressed” upcharge to an item. - From the Item and Price section, select the Item Modifiers button. It is located in the upper-right part of the screen. - The modal will open, and you will see a list of Item Modifiers. Note the drop-down near the top of the modal. It contains the different types of modifiers the system supports. In that Drop-down you will find Damage, Designer, Extra, Material & Pattern. In this example, we are adding a “Hand Pressed” upcharge, so we select the Extra category. - In the Extra category of modifiers, type “Hand Pressed” in the textbox and then press the green Add (+) button. - Once the Modifier is added, it will appear in green on the list. Now that the “Hand Pressed” upcharge is included in the Extra category, it can be applied as an upcharge to individual items. - Next, navigate to the item to which you wish to apply the Upcharge. In this example, we are going to be applying the upcharge to a Dress Shirt. So, I select the Shirt Category from the Category drop-down and then find the row for Dress Shirt. In the item row, click on the number under the Upcharges column. - Another modal will appear, similar to the one we saw previously. Note that Dress Shirt is already selected for us from the drop-down menu. - In the Modifier Category drop-down are all of the Modifier categories that we had seen in Step 2. In this example, we added the “Hand Pressed” upcharge to the Extra category, so we select it. - In the Modifier menu, we find all the modifiers added to the selected category. In this case, we are seeing all the modifiers under the Extra category. In this list, we find the modifier that we just added, “Hand Pressed”, and we select it. - Next we add the amount we want to charge for this upcharge and enter it in the textbox to the right of the modifier drop-down menu. In this example, we will use $5.00 as our charge. - Once the category, modifier, and price have been added for the selected item, to add the upcharge to the selected item, simply press the green _Add (+)_button. If we wanted to add this upcharge to multiple items in a given service type, for example, all dry cleaning items, we could click the green drop-down arrow to the right of the Add (+) button and select Apply to All: Dry Cleaning. However, in this example, we will just add the upcharge to the Dress shirt by pressing the green Add (+) button. - After pressing the green _Add (+)_button, the item is added to the Dress Shirt modifier list in green. Now this upcharge has been successfully applied to the item and it will appear when users press the Upcharges button for this item when creating Invoices. - The last thing to note is that once an upcharge is added you can see the how many up charges an item has by the number shown in the Upcharges column. We added 1 upcharge (Hand Pressed) to the Dress Shirt item. So, the Upcharges column shows a 1 for that item.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Changing the Order of Items on the Invoice Screen

In this guide, we will be looking at how to reorder the items that appear beneath each category on the screen where invoices are detailed. 1. On the screen where invoices are created Identify the item that you want to change. In this example, we will be taking Regular T-Shirt from the bottom of the list under the Shirt category and moving it to the top of the list. 2. Identify the item and desired position Once the item we wish to change, and its desired position have been identified, we can move to the Item & Price section in the Office Menu, to reach this area, from the Main Menu, select the Office button and then in the Office menu, select the Item & Price button. 3. Navigate to the desired category In the Item & Price section navigate to the category that contains the item whose order you wish to change. In our example, this would be the Shirt category. Then find the item you wish to change on the list and note its number in the Order column. In our example, the item is the Regular T-Shirt and its current number in the Order column is 31. 4. To adjust the item’s display order We must edit its number in the Order column to the desired position in the sequence. In this case because Regular T-Shirt should display at the top of the list, its number is changed to 22 because currently, the first item in this category contains the number 23. If you want the item to appear somewhere in the middle, you would need to adjust the values of the other items until the item you wish to change has the correct number assigned. If you assign 2 items the same number, the system will decide how to best display the two. It’s best that each number in each category be unique. 5. Return to the invoice screen Now when we return to the invoice creation screen, the Regular T-Shirt button is at its new position at the top of the list. If you re-order items and don’t immediately see the change, log out of the system and log back in, this may vary depending on the environment you are running. 6. Finally, if you exit and return to the Item & Price section You will notice that the items are displayed according to the new order that was set. So you’ll notice that Regular T-Shirt is now the first item in the category, the same way it appears in the Invoice creation screen.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024