Home Mobile apps issues/situations

Mobile apps issues/situations

By Ava Oscuro
1 article

How to add a logo to the Mobile App Portal

How to put a logo the Web Portal We need to do the following: 1. Upload the logo to Cloudinary 2. Color pick the Logo's primary and secondary color codes 3. Set the Logo's cloudinary link in the mobile_setting 4. Set the primary and secondary color themes in the mobile_setting 5. Send to customer the portal code for website embedding and the store's QR Code Steps: 1. Upload the logo to Cloudinary Pullup https://cloudinary.com/ login [email protected] Dark#pic1 Choose a store folder or if there's none, create one. UPLOAD the image and copy the URL of the image 2. Color pick the Logo's primary and secondary color codes Pull up this color picker https://imagecolorpicker.com/en click Use Your Image Click Image Url, paste the Url link of the image that we uploaded in Cloudinary Highlight the color that you prefer for the primary or secondary color themes and copy the code 3. Set the Logo's cloudinary link in the mobile_setting 4. Set the primary and secondary color themes in the mobile_setting Example: "mobile_setting": { "store_logo": "https://res.cloudinary.com/darkpos/image/upload/v1669070460/customers/Enlite-600/sample600.jpg", "theme_primary_color": "#0b559e", "theme_secondary_color": "#3b393c", OUTPUT: https://portal.enlite.app/?h=prKZ 5. Send to customer the portal code for website embedding and the store's QR Code Copy this html code, add the store code then email it to the store owner ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ref: https://help.darkpos.com/a/solutions/articles/31000157603?lang=en ---------------------------------------------------------END--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024