Home Notifications


By Ava Oscuro
4 articles


Notifications Module The Notifications module allows you to create a list of customers and then send an email or SMS message to the entire list. - To reach the Notifications module, from the main menu, select the Notifications button. - Search for the customer or customers you wish to message. The search allows all the parameters that the regular customer search allows. You may search by: - First/Last Name - Email - Phone Number - Ticket Number (Prefix the ticket with a “#” if entered manually otherwise, just scan the ticket) - Customer ID (Prefix search with “@”) - Continue to search as many customers as you like to form your list. You may remove customers from the list by using the small red “x” to the right of the record. - Once your list is complete, select whether you want to send your group an email or an SMS by clicking the green buttons. - Whether you select email or SMS you’ll be allowed to craft your message to send to the group. 5a.Email The email option will allow you to define a subject line and then craft a message. When ready, press the Send button to send the message. 5b. SMS The SMS option, allows you to define your SMS message. Please remember that SMS messages are meant to be brief. If your message is too long (as defined by your end customer’s phone service provider), the message will be split into two or more messages. When ready, press the Send button to send the message. - Once sent, you will receive a confirmation message. It will show the number of messages sent and the number of messages Ignored. If you have Ignored messages, it will be because one or more of your users have an invalid email or phone number and the message cannot be sent. Review the contact information for the members of your list and identify the contacts that need to be updated.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Why is my email going to the spam folder?

We are sure you’ve run into the frustrating question “why are my emails going to spam?” Every receiving Internet service Provider (ISP) is using different spam filtering techniques and some ISPs utilize some unpredictable and creative ways of combating spam. Here is some guide to improve email deliverability and how to avoid spam filters. 1. Remove inactive contacts You should regularly remove addresses associated with email accounts that don’t appear to be active. If someone hasn’t opened your emails in a long time, Internet service providers will consider your mail “unwanted” and deliver it to the spam folder 2. Focus on good and engaging content. 3. Review your signup process and try to think like a subscriber To ensure that your emails get this privileged treatment, ask your subscribers to whitelist your emails by adding your “From” address to their contacts or list of safe senders. 4. Send more targeted and personalized emails. If your emails sound like they were written hastily, that can be a red flag for spam filters. 5. Sending frequency Another reason behind you might be flagged as spam is that you might not have an appropriate schedule for your emails.Try NOT to send e-mails to your customers at inconvenient times. Also, as you get to know your audience's taste, you can set an email sending frequency. A good email service provider does the hard work for you and gives you the tools and platform you need to successfully deliver email. Keep in mind that your primary focus should be to maintain a healthy list of contacts, send content they truly want, engage your contacts.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024