Home Pick & Pay Automatic Fee or Discount Process (Pick & Pay)

Automatic Fee or Discount Process (Pick & Pay)

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024


Good Day!

The long-awaited feature of automated discount and fee application is an exciting addition to our system. The automatic fee or discount application feature in Pick & Pay streamlines the process of applying fees or discounts to transactions based on the chosen payment method.

Here's how it works:

  1. Payment Method Selection: When you proceed to the payment stage, you are presented with different payment options such as credit card, debit card, cash, or other available methods.

  2. Fee or Discount Mapping: Behind the scenes, the system is configured to associate specific fees or discounts with each payment method. For example, you can set a credit card fee or offer a discount for cash payments.

  3. Automatic Application: Once you select the preferred payment method, the system automatically applies the corresponding fee or discount to the transaction. This eliminates the need for manual calculations or adjustments.

State Law Compliance: For credit card fees specifically, it's crucial to ensure compliance with applicable state laws. Before implementing credit card fees, it is important to thoroughly research and understand the regulations and restrictions set forth by the respective state. This ensures that the implementation aligns with legal requirements and avoids any potential issues or penalties.

By leveraging the automatic fee or discount application feature in Pick & Pay, your business can streamline the payment processes, enhance customer experience, and efficiently manage different payment methods. It simplifies the billing process, reduces manual efforts, and provides customers with clear visibility into any fees or discounts associated with their chosen payment method.

Remember, it's very important to consult legal experts or refer to state laws to ensure compliance when implementing credit card fees or any other regulations related to payment processing.

Thank you so much!

Best Regards.

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