Home Pick & Pay

Pick & Pay

By Ava Oscuro
8 articles

How to Apply Pickups and Payments

There are a few options to reach the Pick & Pay screen. You may reach it from the Main Menu by selecting the Pickup and Pay button or by selecting the Pick option from the footer menu. The footer menu will be available in most areas of the application, so it is a great shortcut if you are not on the Main Menu screen. Either option will take you to a search screen where you can search for the customer you need via all the search options. When ready, select your customer. The other option for reaching the Pick/Pay screen is to go through the Customer Walk-In, search for your customer and then select the Pick & Pay button that will be flashing red. This button will only appear if the customer has an open invoice. If you don’t know how to create an invoice. Either route will land you at the Pick & Pay module. It presents the selected customer and their open invoices. By open invoices, we mean that the invoice is either pending payment, pending pickup, or both. For this customer, we show 2 invoices. Let’s begin breaking down the controls on this screen. The top bar of buttons allows you to: a. Invoice Detail: Opens a modal where you can see the individual items in the selected invoice and individually mark garments for pickup or payment. The selected invoice is the one with the thin red indicator to the left of the record. This can also be done by expanding the invoice which we will see on the next step. b. Ready: Will select for pickup and payment all invoices that have been racked and are ready for Pickup. You can distinguish these invoices because they have a thin green indicator to the left of the record, also, they have a Rack assigned in the Rack column and also have a date in the Ready column. c. Picked: Will select for payment all the invoices that have been picked up. d. All: Will select for both Pickup and Payment all invoices in the list. e. None: Will remove the Pickup and Payment checkbox selection from all invoices. The next section is the invoice list. You can see the columns for the data displayed across the top. I want to draw your attention to 3 items. a. You can expand the invoice to show all the items it contains. You do this by clicking on the little blue chevron by the “a.” indicator in the picture below. In this example, I have expanded invoice 515-1 to display all the garments it contains. b. The most important control on this list are the checkboxes. Note that each invoice and invoice item have a checkbox under Pick and under Pay. You may select only Pick without Pay, only Pay without Pick or select both. What you select will determine what is applied to the invoice or invoice item in that record. When you select the checkbox at the invoice level indicated by the “b.” in the image below, all the items in the invoice will also become selected. Remember the system will only close an invoice once the Pickup and Payment actions have been completed. If an invoice has been partially paid, the system will track the balance due and the invoice will remain open until the balance has been paid. c. You can apply the Pick and/or Pay action to individual garments on the invoice by using the checkbox in the garment row after the invoice has been expanded. You can see these checkboxes by the “c.” in the image below. You may have noticed that Invoice 494-1 was selected for both Pick and Pay from the moment we reached this screen. The reason is that the invoice has been racked. When invoices are racked, the system assumes they are ready for pickup and payment. You distinguish racked invoices by the green indicator to the left of the record, the rack location in the Rack column and the date in the Ready column. For the invoices selected for payment, the amount details will appear on the right side of the screen. a. Paid Amount: This field will automatically populate with the sum of the balance due on all of the selected invoices. This field is editable, if a customer gives you more or less than the amount due you can key in the amount received in this field. b. Store Credit: If a customer has Store Credit available, the amount the customer wishes to apply to the payment can be entered in this field. c. Change as Store Credit: If the customer pays an amount greater than the amount due. You may deposit the extra amount into Store Credit by checking this box. The alternative is just to give the customer their change. This decision can also be made after the payment is received. The next step is to select a payment method. Your store may have different payment methods configured. However, a payment method selection must be made to apply a payment to an invoice. In the example below, we have selected Cash. Because we have selected Cash the system displays a row of blue buttons beneath with the various denominations we might receive from the customer. This is optional as the amount can be entered in the Paid Amount field. The blue button you select will populate the amount the button shows into the Paid Amount field. If you select Check you will be given the option to enter a Check Number, this is not a required field. If you select Credit Card (Manual) you will be given the option to enter a Transaction Number, this is not a required field. If you are integrated with a payment processor. When you select their payment option, you will be shown the fields required by that processor to complete the payment. For this example, we are going to enter $20 in the Paid Amount field and to commit the actions we have selected we will click the Print Receipt button. This is going to apply the Pick an Pay actions that we have selected for the invoices an will also print a payment receipt for the customer. You may also select the More Options button and you will be given the option to email the payment receipt to the customer, or not print a payment receipt. Selecting either of these options will also apply the Pick and Pay actions to the selected invoices or items. After pressing Print Receipt, the system will display the change amount to give the customer and will allow you to deposit it to the customer’s account as store credit if they wish to do so. We will select No Thanks, meaning that we will give the customer back his change. You will receive a green confirmation on the bottom-left of the screen showing that the selected Pickups and Payments have been applied. To reduce errors in providing change, the Change Amount modal will remain on the screen until the user closes it. Once the user closes it, the transaction is complete you will be redirected to the Customer Search to work with the next customer. If you prefer to stay on the payment screen after completing a payment, contact [email protected] so that we may apply that configuration.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

How to Apply Partial Payments

Go to the Pick & Pay section for the customer you are working with and select an invoice or invoices for payment. The Paid Amount field can be edited to reflect whatever payment amount is received from the customer. In this example, Diane Prince will only be paying $15.00 instead of the full $29.23 she owes for this invoice. Once the Paid Amount has been entered, select the Print Receipt or More Options buttons to commit the payment. You will receive a confirmation that the payment and pickup were saved. Upon returning to the Pick/Pay screen for Diane, you can see that the invoice payment was recorded correctly. The invoice record shows the following: 1. An open balance of $14.23 in bold. This is the difference between the $29.23 that was originally owed and the $15.00 that was paid. 2. Beneath the open balance, we can see the original amount due to the invoice, in this case, $29.23. If we expand the invoice, using the little caret on the left side of the invoice record, we can see more details regarding the items to which the partial payment was applied. 1. The Dress – Longtime was paid completely. Using the same convention as in the prior step. The top number is the balance due, in this case, $0.00 and the number beneath, $9.95, was the original amount due for the item. 2. The Dress – Shirt item consumed the remainder of the $15.00 that was paid. It now shows a balance due of $9.41 and beneath that, the original amount due of $14.46. This same process can be done when selecting multiple invoices. The system will apply the payment to each item in the invoice or invoices until the amount paid has been consumed. Any items not covered by the paid amount will remain open with any remaining balance.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Gift Cards

ENLITE allows you to quickly and easily accept payments through Gift Cards. What are Gift Cards? Gift cards are credit card sized smart cards that allow the giver to charge the card with a desired amount. It is a Pre-loaded card that allows the cardholder to use it for the purchase of goods or services. How do Gift Cards work? Your customers can pay either partially or in full with a Pre-loaded gift card. They’ll be asked to enter their card number and the PIN, which is found on the card. The order/service price is deducted from the card’s original amount. How to get setup to support Gift Cards at your store? Enlite is currently partnered with Logo Man Marketing Group. You can check their information here. You can also check other providers, too. It is important that which ever provider you pick, your card come with the following requirements: 1. Gift Card needs to have a barcode 2. Gift Card supplier has to provide the barcode sequence of cards to our Support Team. 3. 3 to 4-digit PIN (optional) Once you received your cards and we have loaded the sequence to the system, then you are ready to use it. How to Load Money into a Gift Card using Enlite? Once the setting is correctly applied by one of our Support agents in your store, you will see the "Gift Card" button in pick and pay section. To load the gift card in ENLITE, you need to create first an order called "Gift card". We can create a button for the gift card (please let us know) or we can also use the "Manual Item" to add it. e.g (I added it as a manual item) Once the order is saved, go to pick and pay. Select Pick and Pay button and click Gift Card Select Gift Card Enter the Card Number and Pin. Verify the amount is correct and click Load Money Once you click "Load Money", you will be routed back to Pick & Pay section. You should see the card information and the loaded amount. Next is to pay the loaded amount using your preferred payment method. On the example below, I am paying it using Cash. You can pay it using any method. To verify if the card was successfully loaded. In Pick and Pay, click Gift Card. Enter the card number and Pin and click "Check" Prev. Balance is $124.13 Load Amount: 100 New Balance: $ 224.13 (This card had already been loaded with a previous amount) How to pay using Gift Card? To pay using Gift Card, go to pick and pay, select the invoice and click "Gift Card". Under Gift Card, enter the card number and PIN. Verify the amount and click "Pay with this Gift Card". The amount paid should be deducted to the Current Balance of the Gift Card Note: If the Amount that you want to pay is greater than the Current Balance of the Gift Card, the "Pay with this Gift Card" will be grayed out. *** You can always check the payment in Back office - payment history *** Also, you will get an error message if you entered a wrong card information. "No Gift Card Found" Interested? Please contact a Support agent when you are ready to enable this feature or if you have any questions! The Gift Cards feature is available for all subscription plans: Essentials, Professional, Enterprise

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Automatic Fee or Discount Process (Pick & Pay)

Hello, Good Day! The long-awaited feature of automated discount and fee application is an exciting addition to our system. The automatic fee or discount application feature in Pick & Pay streamlines the process of applying fees or discounts to transactions based on the chosen payment method. Here's how it works: 1. Payment Method Selection: When you proceed to the payment stage, you are presented with different payment options such as credit card, debit card, cash, or other available methods. 2. Fee or Discount Mapping: Behind the scenes, the system is configured to associate specific fees or discounts with each payment method. For example, you can set a credit card fee or offer a discount for cash payments. 3. Automatic Application: Once you select the preferred payment method, the system automatically applies the corresponding fee or discount to the transaction. This eliminates the need for manual calculations or adjustments. State Law Compliance: For credit card fees specifically, it's crucial to ensure compliance with applicable state laws. Before implementing credit card fees, it is important to thoroughly research and understand the regulations and restrictions set forth by the respective state. This ensures that the implementation aligns with legal requirements and avoids any potential issues or penalties. By leveraging the automatic fee or discount application feature in Pick & Pay, your business can streamline the payment processes, enhance customer experience, and efficiently manage different payment methods. It simplifies the billing process, reduces manual efforts, and provides customers with clear visibility into any fees or discounts associated with their chosen payment method. Remember, it's very important to consult legal experts or refer to state laws to ensure compliance when implementing credit card fees or any other regulations related to payment processing. Thank you so much! Best Regards. DarkPOS Support

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024