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By Ava Oscuro
16 articles

Enlite Routes App - Working routes on the App

Feel free to watch this video on YouTube with timestamps in the description for ease of navigation. If you prefer to read how to use the Enlite Routes App, please continue with the article below. The Enlite Routes app is designed to assist your drivers with their routes, deliveries, and pickups. It provides turn-by-turn navigation, the ability to take pictures to document deliveries and the ability to scan invoices at the time of loading the truck or making a delivery. This guide will walk you through using the application to run a route with the different functionality the app offers. 1. Logging In When you open the Enlite Routes app, you will be presented with the login screen (Pic 1.1). It is important that your drivers have the Driver role in the store Enlite application (Pic 1.2). Also, the route must be assigned to that Driver, for it to be visible to him or her (Pic 1.3), unless you are using a setting to override this, more information on this in Step 9. All roles may be assigned routes and access the Enlite Routes app. However, they must use the (Login) version of the role. For example, for an Employee to use the Enlite Routes app, he or she must have the Employee (Login) role, as opposed to the regular Employee Please see the article for the Employees module for a deeper explanation on roles. Pic 1.1 Pic 1.2 Pic 1.3 2. Route List After logging into the application, you will see the list of your routes (Pic 2.1). This can be set, to only show the routes that should be run on the current day. So, for example, on Monday, will only show the routes that run on Monday. More information on the app settings later in this guide. In this example, we will be running the North Side, so we tap that route to enter it. Pic 2.1 3. Route Information Upon entering the route you will be able to see all of the stops on that route as well as the number of invoices pending delivery that each stop has (Pic 3.1). From this screen, several actions can be taken: - The Overview button provides a map view of the entire route (Pic 3.2). - The Add button (Pic 3.3), allows you to add a One-Time stop to the route. This means that a customer will be added to the route, but next time the route is run again, that customer will not appear as a stop. When the button is pressed, you will see a search screen (Pic 3.4), where you can search for a customer and add them to the route. - Tapping on a customer will display the invoices available for delivery (Pic 3.5). - While inside customer record, you have the option of sending the customer an email message (3.6). - The sort button allows sorting the route stops by various options (Pic 3.7). The Default sort order is the one by which the stops are ordered in the store Enlite application, Routes module. The Manual sort option will allow you to drag and drop the customers into the order you prefer. - Finally, pressing the Open button will open the route, to begin working with it, we’ll look at this in the next step. Pic 3.1 Pic 3.2 Pic 3.3 Pic 3.4 Pic 3.5 Pic 3.6 Pic 3.7 4. Opening the Route Opening the route allows the driver to specify what invoices/orders are going into the truck to be delivered. Once the route is open, you will see the customer list, but this time customers and/or orders must be selected be put in the truck for delivery (Pic 4.1). There are various ways that customers/invoices may be selected for delivery: - The Select All button, selects all the customers and their invoices/orders for delivery. When a customer or invoice is selected, the invoice status is changed to Out for Delivery, meaning, the garments are in the truck to be delivered. - You can tap the customer record, which will select all orders belonging to that customer, or the customer record can be expanded and invoices can be selected individually (Pic 4.2). - Pressing the scan button (Pic 4.3), allows the driver to use his phone’s camera, to scan invoices as he puts them into his truck. Each invoice that is scanned, will be marked as Out for Delivery. This is slower, but provides the most accuracy, as the driver is physically scanning the invoice as it goes into his truck (Pic 4.4 & 4.5). Finally, when customers/invoices are selected, the Start button will become enabled. This button initiates the route. Pic 4.1 Pic 4.2 Pic 4.3 Pic 4.4 Pic 4.5 5. Route Start After pressing the Start button you will be presented with a map and your first stop (Pic 5.1). From this screen you can take a few actions: A. Route – This button will open the Map provider selected in your settings, to provide turn-by-turn navigation to the stop’s address. B. Next Stop – Tapping the right chevron icon will select the next stop in the route. Please note, that this will navigate through the stops that have invoices/orders that are in the truck for delivery as specified in Step 4 of this guide. C. Arrived – Pressing the Arrived button will bring up the invoices for that stop. See the next step. Pic 5.1 6. Marking Invoices Delivered When you arrive at the stop’s location and press the Arrive button, you will be presented with a screen to assign a status for each order (Pic 6.1). Several actions can be taken from this screen. You should recognize some of the icons, as they have been present in other screens we have covered. A. C_ancel_ – This button takes you back to the previous screen without taking any actions on the Stop’s invoices B. Message – This button was discussed in step 3 and allows sending the customer an email message. See Pic 3.6 for the messaging screen. C. Invoice Status – Upon reaching this screen, the invoices will have the Out for Delivery status. When the driver delivers them, they will set them to Delivered. If the driver was conducting a pickup, he would retrieve the items and set the invoice to Picked Up. When items are marked Delivered, the status shows it and the invoice receives a green check to show it is completed (Pic 6.2). D. Scan Invoices – Allows scanning the invoice barcodes with the phone’s camera, to mark them delivered. See Pic 4.4 & 4.5 in this guide to see the screen. This is slower, but beneficial because if the driver scans an invoice that belongs to a different stop, the application will show an error. This reduces the chances that a driver will deliver an order to an incorrect customer. E. Done – Commits the changes the driver has made to the invoices’ statuses and takes the driver back to the Route start screen showing the next stop on the route. F. Adding a Pickup – If the driver makes a delivery and the customer receives him with more items to take back for cleaning, the driver is able to create a pickup/order for the items that he or she is receiving. See details on the next step. Pic 6.1 Pic 6.2 7. Creating a Pickup Pressing the Add button from the previous screen, allows you to create a pickup. You can specify the number of items being picked up, the status, and any comments or special instructions from the customer. In pic 7.1, we are picking up 4 items, the status is currently set to Booked and there is a note from the customer specifying creasing their pants. When ready, we hit the Submit button to commit the pickup to the system. In Pic 7.2, we can see the last record is the Pickup, and it now has an invoice number (776-1), you can see the status and the Notes we set. Because this pickup is being created by the driver as he is receiving the clothes, a more appropriate status would Picked Up. But if the driver receives a call from the store to make an additional stop, they can create the pickup under the appropriate customer and leave it with the Booked status until he or she picks up the garments. When you are finished working with you’re the customer, you press the Done button to return to the route navigation screen. Pic 7.1 Pic 7.2 8. Finishing the Route After pressing the Done button for a stop, you will return to the route navigation screen to work with the next stop. We covered this screen on step 5 of this guide, please refer to that step for details. If this were the last stop on the route or the last one we are going to make for today, it’s important to press the Stop button (Pic 8.1). Pressing the Stop button commits all the actions made during the route to the system. It also generates an email that can be sent to specified recipients, with all of the information for the run. It includes the invoices that were picked up/delivered along with the GPS coordinates of where each action was taken. It also includes any pictures the driver took during the route. Again, this is a critical step to conclude the route process as it commits actions to the system and generates a report with everything that happened on the run. Pic 8.1 9. Enlite Routes App Settings The Enlite Routes App has several settings that can be adjusted for a better fit with your operation (Pic 9.1). Below is a summary of the settings and their function: A. Map Provider – The map provider is the software that will provide turn-by-turn navigation. Currently, the Routes app supports Google Maps, Waze and Apple Maps. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, but the app lets you select the one you are most comfortable with. B. 24 Hour Clock – Toggle this on or off depending on whether you would prefer to see the time in 24 hour vs 12 hour (AM/PM) format. C. Use Coordinates for Direction – The Enlite Store Application allows entering GPS coordinates instead of addresses for customer locations. This is favorable in countries/regions where addresses are less precise. With this setting on, the Routes App will look for those coordinates instead of the customer’s address. D. Show All Route – Shows all the routes on the Route Selection screen (Pic 2.1), regardless of whether they are assigned to that Driver or not. E. Hide Stops Without Invoices – Hides any stop that has no invoices available for delivery. F. Show Routes For Today – On the Routes Selection screen (Pic 2.1), shows only the routes that are scheduled to be run the current day. G. Only Invoices Due Today – Shows only the invoices that have a due date of the current day, or in the past. In other words, will not show invoices with a due date in the future as those would not be ready to be delivered. H. Group Child Accounts – Groups child accounts under the Master Account. For example, if you are delivering to 30 officers at a police station, it will only show the Master Account or the Police Department in the stop list, instead of the 30 different officers. All of their individual invoices will still show up but will appear under the Police Department account, as opposed to individually under each of the 30 officers. I. Charge When Invoice Marked Delivered – When the invoices are marked delivered, the customer will automatically be charged for the service. This requires the Enlite Store app to be integrated with a Payment Processor and that the customer has a credit card in the system. If you need assistance or information regarding payment processors please contact [email protected]. J. Driver En Route – Automatically sends a text message to the customer when the driver is in route to the customer’s location. K. Order Picked Up – Automatically sends a text message to the customer when the driver marks an invoice/order Picked Up (Pic 6.1). L. Order Delivered – Automatically sends a text message to the customer when the driver marks an invoice/order Delivered (Pic 6.1). Pic 9.1

Last updated on Jul 26, 2024

Mobile Order LifeCycle

This is a brief guide to explain the Mobile Order LifeCycle. This guide is not intended to teach how to create orders from the Enlite Mobile App, or how to work with them in the Enlite Routes App. The purpose of this guide is to show how an order moves through all three applications (Customer, Store & Routes) as it flows through the process. 1. Order Creation When the customer requests a Pick-Up from the mobile app (Pic 1.1), several things happen. First, a ticket is created in the store with the information the customer entered. Second, if configured, an email is sent to the store or the designated recipients notifying them that a new order was created. In the Mobile Orders section (Pic 1.2) of the application, a record for the order will be displayed with a status of Booked (Pic 1.3). Pic 1.1 Pic 1.2 Pic 1.3 2. Order Pickup The next step in the process is for the driver to Pickup the customer’s items the next time the route is run. In the Enlite Routes App, the pickup request will appear in the driver’s route. When the driver reaches the customer’s stop, he will be able to complete his pickup and set the order status to Picked Up (Pic 2.1 & 2.2). When the driver completes this step, the order will receive the same status (Picked Up) in the Mobile Orders section (Pic 2.3). Pic 2.1 Pic 2.2Pic 2.3 3. Working the Order Once the items have been picked up, they will follow the store’s normal operating process. Order can easily be detailed by clicking on the Edit Invoice icon in the Mobile Orders section (Pic 3.1). Pic 3.1 4. Delivering the Order When the order is ready to be delivered. Using the Enlite Routes App, the driver can mark the orders going into the truck to be delivered (Pic 4.1). In doing this, when he starts his route, the status of those items will be set to Out for Delivery (Pic 4.2). The Mobile Orders section will also show the order as being Out for Delivery (Pic 4.3). Once the Driver marks the order Delivered (Pick 4.4), the order leaves the Mobile Orders module. Pic 4.1 Pic 4.2 Pic 4.3 Pic 4.4 5. Charging for the Order Enlite provides numerous ways to charge for the order. Different cleaners choose different methods. Here are some options that our software supports: A. From the Mobile Orders module, there is a payment button (Pic 5.1). It takes the user to the Pick & Pay section for that customer where they can charge for the order if the credit card is stored on file. B. The customer can be e-mailed/mailed a statement from the Billing section. If their card is on file, they can be charged from the Billing section or when they mail in their checks they can be applied in that section. C. From the Billing section, the statements can be sent with a PayPal link, when the customer receives the statement, they click on the Pay Now button and process their payment via PayPal. Once they pay in PayPal, Enlite will be notified and the customer balances will be updated automatically. D. The customer can use the credit card they register in the Enlite Mobile app to pay for the order. Pic 5.1

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

How to access the Enlite Mobile App

Creating a Customer to use with the Mobile Application To use the Enlite Mobile app, a customer must be registered to your store. This means they must have a valid email address tied to their account in the store. In Pic 1 we have our customer, Din MClay. If you need assistance creating a new customer, view our tutorial here. When you, as an owner or employee create this test customer, it is important that you don’t use the same email that you use for your Owner or Employee account. Once the email is created we are ready to sign in as a customer from the Enlite Mobile application. Pic 1 Obtaining the Mobile App The first step is to download and install the Enlite Mobile app to your phone or tablet. Simply search “Enlite” in the Play or iTunes store for Android and iOS, respectively, then select Enlite Mobile. Or use the following links to install the applications: Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.darkpos.enlite.customer iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/enlite-mobile/id1241606132 Signing into the Enlite Mobile App The sign-in process to the mobile application happens in 2 steps. When the application is first opened, the user will be prompted to enter their email address. In this case, the user will enter the email that they were registered with at the store (Pic2). When we registered the customer in Pic1, we used the email, “[email protected]” so that is what we enter on this screen. Then press the Login button. Pic2 Once the email has been submitted, the customer will immediately be emailed a Verification Code to the email that was submitted (Pic3). Pic3 Enter the Verification Code that was sent to the email when prompted by the application (Pic4). Then press the Verify button. Pic4 Welcome to the Enlite Mobile App Once the customer code has been verified the customer will be dropped into your store on the Enlite Mobile App (Pic5). The customer needs to go through this sign-in process one time. However, if they log out of the application on their phones, they will have to authenticate again. Security is important because the application allows storing credit cards and making payments, so the secure sign-in process cannot be skipped. Pic 5

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Enlite Mobile App - Pickup Schedule Versions

Enlite supports a variety of ways of managing requests for Pickups/Deliveries from the Enlite Mobile app. Below are the different versions currently supported. Please note that you will need assistance from the Enlite Support team to configure these methods. Review the options below and call or write Support to notify them of the option you would like to use. Version 1 – No Schedule Changes Customer Must Contact Store Customer pick-up/delivery does not have the ability to make schedule changes and instead is prompted to contact the store for any changes. Version 2 – Basic Schedule Changes Customer Can Enable/Disable Customer has the ability to make basic schedule changes such as requesting a pick-up/delivery for the given route or not. Version 3 – Simple Order Request Customer Can Place Order Customer has the ability to create an order to be picked up, specify the number of items in the order and provide order notes. Version 4 – Advanced Order Request Customer Can Detail Order Customer has the ability to create an order to be picked up, select the specific order items from a Mobile Price List, see the total price for the order and provide order notes. Version 5 – More Order Request Options Customer Can Pick Day and Time Customer has the ability to create an order, select the specific order items from a Mobile Price List, see the total price for the order, provide order notes and schedule pick-up with a specific day and time

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Customer Registration through the Store Portal

The Store Customer Portal allows customers to register with their store and manage information in their profile, such as notification preferences, stored credit cards, address information, etc. Also, by registering in the portal, you may view order information and even receive updates regarding the status of your orders. Please follow the following steps to register. 1. Upon reaching the portal via the link provided by your store, you will be prompted to enter your email address. The Register and Login buttons will not become enabled until a valid email address is entered. Once you have entered your email, click the Register button. 2. On the following screen, enter your personal information, then press the Next button. 3. Next you will receive a verification code to the email used for registration in Step 1. 4. The email will have the format shown in pic4.1. Simply enter the validation code in the text field. Pic4.1 5. Next, you may define certain profile settings. Please note that depending on how your cleaner operates, some of these options may not be available. 1. Notifications: These are your preferences for how you would like to be notified whether via email or SMS 2. Preferences: You may choose the default starch level that is applied to your clothing and your packing preference. These choices are optional. 3. Delivery Service: Using the Routes drop-down you may select the route you are assigned to. Please note, that you may not have this option depending on how your cleaner is setup. You may also add special instructions regarding your pickups/deliveries, for example, a lockbox code or the location where you would like your items placed. The special instructions are optional. You can also add the person who referred you and a route memo. 4. The final step is to add your payment information. Just fill out the fields with the credit card of your choice. You can also click SKIP if you don't like to save your card information. (Please note that this step may not be required by your cleaner) 5. Once registration is complete, you will be sent to the Home screen of the store portal. Now that you have successfully registered you may access the portal from your mobile phone, which is the ideal experience. However, you can make full use of the store portal from your computer or tablet.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Enlite Routes App settings

FILTERS - TABLE OF CONTENTS - 1. GENERAL - 2. NAVIGATION - 3. ACTIONS - 4. ROUTE FILTERS - 5. STOP FILTERS - 6. INVOICE FILTERS - 7. CUSTOMER NOTIFICATIONS - 8. HARDWARE - 9. ABOUT When using Enlite Routes App, you will find many tools that you can customize to adapt the app to your business needs. Here's a guide on how to use them. You'll find all the settings you can apply, in this tools button, after logging in to the app. The settings are categorized into: 1. General 2. Navigation 3. Actions 4. Route Filters 5. Stop Filters 6. Invoice Filters 7. Customer Notifications 8. Hardware 1. GENERAL ****These settings apply to the general functioning of the app 1.2 Mode: The app has two illumination inputs, for the user's convenience: light and dark. 1.2 Enhanced Marker Overlay: This is used to display special icons on our Points of Interest. To learn more about this setting, please visit Enlite Routes: Using the Enhanced Marker Overlay. 1.3 Customer Signature Capture: 1.4 Employee Timecard Registers the time of the employee. The time will start after the driver opens the route. 2. NAVIGATION These are en-route settings. 2.1 Turn-by-Turn Navigation It shows this button that when tapping on it prompts the navigation app (Maps or Waze) that will guide the driver through the route. 2.2 Navigation provider You can choose the app that will assist you with the navigation, either Google Maps or Waze. It also depends if you have them installed in your device. 2.3 GPS Settings It provides more detail on the maps when navigating. Works best in Android devices. 3. ACTIONS 3.1 Auto-Select Booked Orders When opening the route with this setting enabled, the app will automatically select the orders that have the "Booked" status. The driver can select other invoices manually. 3.2 Auto-Select Past Due Orders This filter will select automatically all orders that had a past due date and haven't been delivered yet. 3.3 Auto-Select Regular Customers This feature will select automatically all the customers that have been marked as "Regular" in the Routes section of the POS. This repeat icon indicates that the customer has "regular stop". 3.4 Auto-Advance Route Stops With this enabled, when the driver marks "Done" after having delivered/picked up the invoices at one stop, the app will automatically take him/her to the next stop. 3.5 Auto-Close Picked Invoices With this setting enabled, all orders marked as picked will be automatically closed. NOTE: This is only if you want to use the orders created from Customer App to schedule the Pick-Up, then that order will be closed and you have to open another one for the same customer at the POS. If you are not following up this process in your store, PLEASE DON NOT ENABLE IT. 3.6 Quick Action Buttons When enabling it, you'll see these buttons on the route: In the first one, the driver can register a new order without having to enter to the stop. The second one (checkbox) will automatically mark the invoices of that customer to the next status. For example, the "Booked" ones will be marked as "Picked up" and the "Out for delivery" will go to "Delivered". 3.7 New Order Default Status With this filter, you'll be able to decide which status will have by default all the orders created from the driver's app. We recommend "Picked Up" because generally the driver will create the orden when being at the customer's place. 4. ROUTE FILTERS The driver can choose which routes does he/she want to see. 4.1 All Drivers When enabled, the driver will see all the routes assigned to all drivers. When disabled, they will only see the ones they are assigned to. 4.2 Only Today When enabled, the driver will see only the routes for that day. When disabled, they will see all days routes. 4.1 Optimization Location The driver can choose where to start and end the route. They can use the device location, or type a starting and an ending address. 5. STOP FILTERS 5.1 Group Stops This setting is for stores that have many customers with the same address or master account. For example a company with 30 employees. They can be grouped under the same stop, so the driver will see one stop instead of 30. "Child accounts" will group all child accounts under a master one, and "Common address", will group all the accounts that have the same address. IMPORTANT: If the address is not typed exactly the same in one account than in the others, this setting won't work for that one in specific. You can also group the stops by company. 5.2 Remove Empty Stops (No Invoices) With this setting, the driver will only see stops that have one or more open invoices. Stops with 0 invoices will be hidden. 5.3 Remove bad addresses When enabled, the route won't add customers whose stops have no address or the app doesn't recognize them (they may have been written wrong). When disabled, stops with wrong addresses will be seen in red, with a message on top of the screen that says "Not all coordinates have been found". 6. INVOICE FILTERS 6.1 Invoices Due Today When enabling this filter, the drivers won't be able to see invoices due another time than today. 6.2 Include Past Due With this one, the drivers will see the invoices that are past due. 6.3 Racked Invoices With this filter enabled the driver will only see the invoices that were racked in the system. 6.4 Paid Invoices This setting will hide the unpaid invoices, so the driver will be only able to deliver paid invoices. 7. CUSTOMER NOTIFICATIONS These settings will allow the driver to choose when and what notifications will be sent to the customer automatically. These notifications are sent via email and sms if they have them registered. To get to know better the automated notifications, what do they say and when are they sent, please read this article 7.1 Send Notifications The driver can choose when will Enlite send the notification: if during the route or after it's closed. 7.2 Driver En Route This notification lets customer know that the driver is on the route and he/she will get to their place. 7.3 Order Delivered It will confirm the customer that their order was delivered, with the order number. 7.4 Order Picked Up It will confirm the customer that their order was picked up, with the order number. 8. HARDWARE 8.1 Barcode Scanner For scanning invoices, the driver can choose if he/she wants to use the phone camera or an external scanner connected by Bluetooth. 8.2 Bluetooth Printer The app can send printouts to a Bluetooth printer. It needs to be paired up with the device first. 9. ABOUT 9.1 Enable Event Logging This setting is enabled if there is an issue. It helps our development team to see the root cause of the issue by facilitating access to the logs. 9.2. Enable Connectivity Monitor This is essential in checking connectivity issues to wifi or GPS. White/Grey indicates connection. Red indicates an issue with the connection.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Enlite Routes App Notifications

While working with our Driver's app, there are a few automated notifications you can send to your customers. They can be sent either by email or sms, according to your store setup. If you are using lockers, the notifications will vary accross delivery and lockers orders. We can customize your notifications if needed. Please contact [email protected] for further assistance. You can find them under the app settings: This is what they say and how they work: 1. Route Will Be Serviced (Only sent for Delivery orders) Message: This is a reminder that your stop will be serviced today It is sent when the driver opens the route to all the customers selected for the route. 2. Driver En Route (Only sent for Delivery orders) Message: This is a reminder that our driver is on their way It is sent to the next customer after the driver exits the previous stop. Customers in the first stop will receive it when the route is opened. 3. Order Delivered - Message for Delivery Orders Your order has been dropped off It is sent when after completing the stop, any of the orders is changed to the "delivered" status. Message Your order #{{displayId}} has been dropped off It is sent when the driver changes one of the orders to "delivered". It can happen while in the route, but also from the customer detail in the app. - Message for Lockers Orders Order Delivered at [Location name], Locker: 100, PIN: XXXX It is sent when after completing the stop, any of the orders is changed to the "delivered" status. 4. Order Picked Up - Message for Delivery Orders Your order has been picked up It is sent when after completing the stop, any of the orders is changed to the "Picked up" status. Your order #{{displayId}} has been picked up It is sent when the driver changes one of the orders to "Picked up". It can happen while in the route, but also from the customer detail in the app.. - Message for Lockers Orders **Order Picked Up at [Location name], Locker: 100 It is sent when after completing the stop, any of the orders is changed to the "Picked up" status. All of the emails will be followed up by a footer that can be customized. the default one goes like this, with the store information: Best regards, (Name of the store) Tel: xxxxx Email: xxxxx Address: xxxxx Hours: xxxxx Contact [email protected] if you have any questions or you want to edit the footer. You can also click on the chat button in the bottom-right corner of this portal to start chatting with us.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Enlite Routes App: Possible reasons why some stops/invoices are not being added to the route

When running a route in the driver's app and trying to add an invoice or a stop to a route, sometimes it may happen that you won't find that invoice or customer. That's probably because of any of the settings that you have enabled. In this article, we'll try to cover up all the different scenarios and what's the work-around for each of them. If you don't find the response to your concern here, please contact [email protected], or hit the chat button in the bottom right corner of this screen, and we'll assist. TABLE OF CONTENTS - 1. Reasons why you can't find the customer in the route - 1.1 Doble check that the customer is assigned to the route - 1.2 Check Stop Filters - 2. Reasons why you can't add an invoice to the route - 2.1 "Invoices Due Today" and "Invoices Past Due" - 2.2 "Racked Invoices" - 2.3 "Paid Invoices" 1. Reasons why you can't find the customer in the route 1.1 Doble check that the customer is assigned to the route If when opening a route, you can't find a customer you think it's assigned to it, please first doble check that the customer is indeed assigned to the route. You can do that in the system, in the customer profile, Customer Routes. Suggested solution: If they are not assigned to the route, you can either assign them there or create a One Time Stop in the app. 1.2 Check Stop Filters The Stop filters are built to help you "clean" the list to not see customers you regularly don't want to visit. When having enabled the "Remove Empty Stops (No Invoices)" one, it will hide all those customers that don't have any invoice open. So if customer Carol Danvers Apps doesn't have any open invoices and we have that filter enabled, even when added to the route, we won't find her. Suggested Solution: You can click on the "person icon" that's used for adding One Time Stops, but instead of just creating a One Time Stop, you will hit on "+Invoice" to create an invoice for that person and be able to add them to the route. When having enabled the "Remove Invalid Stops (Bad Address)" filter, the app will hide all those stop pertaining to customers who don't have a valid address, or it has missing information like zip code, city, etc. When having that filter disabled, you will see those stops in red. Suggested solution: Temporarily disable the "Remove Invalid Stops" filter, click in the customer's stop and hit the Pencil (Edit) icon. Then, correct the customer's address information and enable the filter back. 2. Reasons why you can't add an invoice to the route When scanning or tryinng to add an open invoice of a customer who is assigned to a route, but the invoice is not showing up, it might be due to either of the following "Invoice Filters ": 2.1 "Invoices Due Today" and "Invoices Past Due" When enabling these filters you will only see those invoices whose due date is today or was the days before, respectively. You won't be able to add invoices that their due date is in future dates. You can always check the due date of each invoice in the POS, Mobile Orders section or Pick and Pay. If you want to be able to add invoices that are due for future days, just disable these filters. 2.2 "Racked Invoices" When enabling that filter, you'll only see invoices that have been racked. If you are not racking invoices or you want to be able to add invoices that haven't been racked, please disable this filter. 2.3 "Paid Invoices" This filter will allow you to add only invoices that have been previously paid. So you can't deliver unpaid invoices. If you want to be able to deliver unpaid invoices, please disable this filter.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

Enlite Routes: Using the Enhanced Marker Overlay

The Enhanced Marker Overlay is a feature designed to highlight POINTS OF INTEREST to the driver. They are not necessarily associated to the route, altough there can be some shared addresses. A point of interest could be, for example, a possible new customer that the driver should visit in order to make a deal, or a VIP customer which should be treated specially. It will display some icons with extra information in the places that we want to point out. HOW TO ACTIVATE IT In order to start unsing this function, there's some work you need to do with our Support team: 1. Create a public Google Sheet Go to Google Sheets and create a new blank document. 2. Hit Share, Make it PUBLIC and share the link with your Dark representative. 3. Rename the name of the page to be exactly as the name of your Route. 4. Enter the following columns: | TITLE | DESCRIPTION | COLOR | ICON | ADDRESS | STREET | CITY | STATE | ZIP | COUNTRY | LATITUDE | LONGITUDE | | ----- | ----------- | ----- | ---- | ------- | ------ | ---- | ----- | --- | ------- | -------- | --------- | 5. Please fill these columns for every point of interest: a. Title: Name that you want to give to every POI. The business or customer name, for example. b. Description: Some more information related to the POI. Maybe the category that you want to give it, such as "VIP, LEAD, etc". c. Color: You can choose any color, either with the #HEX format or just typing in the name of the color. Ex: "Blue, red, #ffffff". d. Icon: You can put the name of any icon that is listed in Material Design Icons. e. Address: You can copy and paste the address exactly as it is in Google Maps. Note: Do not copy the country or anything after the zip code. f. Street, City, Zip and Country: No need to fill up these columns you are copying and pasting the full address in the Address column as it is in Google Maps. Otherwise, you can type in all these fields, but there's a chance that the app won't recognize them. You shouldn't worry about the Latitude and Longitude, those values will be filled automatically when initiating the route. 6. Contact Support Once you typed in all your points of interest, you may notify us to [email protected], call or chat with us, that your sheet is ready for the integration. We should enable it in a short time and let you know. 7. Enable the setting and start using it! Once Support integrated your sheet with the app, you can enable the Enhanced marked Overlay setting and start using it! You can always go back to the public sheet to add, delete or modify your points of interest. Any questions, please contact our Support Team. Learn more about other Enlite Routes settings in this article: Enlite Routes App settings

Last updated on Jul 17, 2024

Enlite Routes: How to categorize your stops by color code

When running a route, you may like to categorize and highlight your stops according to different parameters: the area where the customer lives, customers who require special attention or different services, etc. That's why we created the "Stop Color" feature, that will help you or your driver to have a better visual and organize your route according to what you want. Note: this feature won't affect or change how the app runs the route. This is only for the driver to have a better visual. HOW IT WORKS: There are two ways of changing or applying the stop color: 1. From Enlite: You have to go to Customer Walk-In look for the customer, and hit "Customer Routes". You will find a "Stop Color" modal in the top-right, in which you can enter either the color name (i.e. red, yellow, green, magenta, etc) or the hex code (#ffffff, #4g23sw) Please keep into consideration that the color will be applied to all the stops of the routes in which the customer is assigned. For example, if a customer is assigned to the Monday, Friday and Thursday routes, the driver will see that color for the customer's stop in those three routes. It will be the same color everywhere. Where to see it: In Enlite, you will be able to see the color of the stop in two other sections (not change them): a) Mobile Orders b) Routes (Back Office) 2. From Enlite Routes: You have to: a) Tap the customer's name on the route b) Hit the pencil (Edit) icon next to the customer's name. c) On the bottom of that "Edit Customer" page, you will find the "Stop color" field. You can enter either the color name or the hex code and save. When having the route opened, you can also edit it when arriving to a customer's stop by hitting the edit button and scrolling down to the "Edit Customer" section. Where to see it: In the app, the driver will see the color of each stop next to the customer's name. The will also see the stops colors in the map, either in the Overview or the Navigation. Also, when they hit "Arrived", they will see the stop icon with the stop color In the "List View", they will find it this way: If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2024

How to create and manage promotions on the mobile app

When it comes to offering promotions to your customers on Enlite Mobile, there are some options that you can have in mind when setting up your application with the assistance of our Support Team. 1. You just want your customers to see the promos that you have available, but not apply them. 2. You want your customers to be able to apply promotions. 2B Promo codes: 2CPromotions list 3. You want discounts to be automatically applied when the customer selects certain items or a determined quantity of items. Before getting into the details of how to configure mobile app promotions in Enlite and the different options, let's review how to create any regular promotions and discounts on the POS system, in this video: How to Configure Percentage Discounts in Enlite. In order to create promotions to be available for the mobile apps, you need to follow the same steps: 1. Go to the Back Office: 2. Open the Settings: 3. Open the Discount Setup or Coupon Setup tabs, depending on what you want to enable. In the Discount Setup you will configure promotions by a Discount Rate (e.g. 15%), while in Coupon Setup you will configure promotions by fixed amount (e.g. $2) Discount Setup Coupon Setup 1. You will add Promotions that you want your customers to see on the mobile app, adding a "MOBILE:" preffix to the promotion name. E.g.: MOBILE: 4th of July 20%, MOBILE: Birthday Discount 15%, if they are percentage discounts, or MOBILE: Happy Street $5 if it's a coupon. They must be Active in order to be visible in the app: 2. You will add Promotions that you want to share privately with some customers in specific with a promo code and not be visible to everyone, adding a "PROMO:" preffix, and the promo code. E.g.: Promo: Welcome15, Promo: Company1 or  PROMO: Condo70. 3. Whenever you want to disable any of these Discounts or Coupons, you can go back to this screen and, in the "Active" column, select "No". Customers won't be able to apply to them any longer, nor they will see them in the app. Now, let's discuss the different scenarios of how you want to present them within the customer app: 1. You just want your customers to see the promos that you have available, but not apply them. All promotions set as "MOBILE:" will be visible both in the Home and Promos screens: Home Promos 2. You want your customers to be able to apply promotions. 2b. Promo codes: As mentioned, you can set promo codes and send them to certain customers privately. But in order to enable the Promo Code field, you must contact Support. On the "Schedule Pick-Up" screen, your customers will find a "Promo Code" field down below, and the app will verify if the code they are entering is valid. Valid Invalid 2c. Promotions list If you just want all the Mobile promos to be available for your customers to select them out from a list and apply them to their order, you must also request it to Support The following rules will apply to any promotions that you want to apply, either as promo codes or in the list: One-time use promos: If you want to set up any promos that should be used with the first order only, such as a Welcome promotion or anything similar, we can make it a one-time use promotion. After having used it for the first time, the customer won't be able to apply it for a second time. To set this up, you must also contact Support. Pick-Up Versions: Depending on the Pick-Up version, the discounts will be applied on the customer's end when detailing the order, or will be created as ticket notes and the employees at the store will need to apply them after detailing the order. Please check here which of the pick-up versions you are using: Enlite Mobile App - Pickup Schedule Versions V3: Since customers are not able to detail their order, the promos will be added as ticket notes and the employees will need to apply them on the Invoice Detail screen. Click here to learn how to apply a promotion in Enlite: Applying or Removing Discounts & Coupons V4 and V5: Since the customer can detail their order on the app, the discount will be applied on the check-out. 3. You want discounts to be automatically applied when the customer selects certain items or a determined quantity of items. If you want promotions to be applied automatically when your customer selects certain items, or a specified quantity of pieces, you must request Support to configure this for you. E.g.: You will offer a 30% discount when a customer submits more than 3 pants.

Last updated on Jul 26, 2024

Locker Orders: How It Works

Locker orders are a growing trend in the laundry and dry cleaning industry, as they offer a convenient and secure way for customers to deliver and pick up their garments. Customers can drop off and pick up their orders at their best convenience, without any time limit. Enlite can work with two types of lockers: non-smart and smart lockers. - Non-smart lockers don't require any internet connection, and the order input is manual on the application. There's no specific provider required. - Smart lockers need an internet connection in place and work in an automated way. The final user will just present a QR code that's provided by the app to the locker, and, if it's a new drop-off, the locker will open an empty box. If it's a pickup, the driver will automatically open the box where the user's order was placed by the driver. Enlite works with a specific locker provider. For more information, please contact [email protected]. In this article, we will unveil the process for non-Smart locker orders. A quick guide to the process flow Keep in mind that this process is still under development and observation, so a few things may be different when consulting this article. Our support team will help you and train you along the whole setup and is willing to respond to any questions. Please email [email protected] for further consultation. 1. Customer signs up The customer must register or log in to the mobile app or web portal. 2. Customer drops the order The customer must enter the locker room, drop their garments in an empty box, then open the "Locker" screen in the app, enter locker ID, number of pieces, and Special Instructions, and submit the order. For more details about how the end user must enter their order and their point of view, please check this article: https://chat.darkpos.com/app/accounts/2/portals/docs/en/articles/93 3. Driver picks up When the customer creates the order, the store receives an email with the order details. The ticket notes will show in which location and locker the order was dropped off. On the driver app, the driver will see the locker locations as stops, highlighted with a locker icon.  ** ** On the route, the driver will see the orders under the locker stop, and there's no need to open the customer stop with the invoice.

Last updated on Sep 05, 2024

Using the Enlite Mobile App

Watch this video on YouTube with timestamps in the description for ease of navigation. If you prefer to read how to use the Enlite Mobile App, please continue with the article below. The Enlite Mobile app is available to your customers so that you can bring your services to their fingertips. The Enlite Mobile allows customers to: 1. View orders and their status 2. View Promos 3. Register Credit Cards and pay for orders 4. Schedule Pickups Please Note: Your store must be configured to make use of the mobile app. If you wish to use the Enlite Mobile app, please contact [email protected] and request it. We will assist you with the configuration. 1. Downloading Enlite Mobile To download the Enlite Mobile app, your customers simply search for it in the Google Play or iTunes app stores and install it. 2. Logging into the app To login to the application, your customer must enter their email address. This email address must be registered to that customer in your store. This can happen when the customer first comes into the store, you can register their email address in their customer record, as illustrated in pic 2.1. The other option is to have the customer register in your store’s online customer portal. The customer portal must be configured by DarkPOS Support. If you prefer this method, please contact [email protected]. If the customer is registered, when they first open the app, they will be prompted for their email address. Your customer enters their email and presses the Login button (Pic 2.2). Pic 2.1 Pic 2.2 Verification Code For security purposes, after pressing the Login button, the customer will be emailed a verification code (Pic 3.1). The verification may also be sent via SMS or both Email and SMS, just let the DarkPOS support team which method(s) you prefer. Your customer enters that verification code when prompted and press the Verify button. This process only happens one-time, unless the customer intentionally logs out of the application. If they logout, they will have to authenticate again. This process is not optional as the app manages payment information and requires authentication for security. Pic 3.1Pic 3.2 1. Selecting the Store If the customer is a member of more than one store, they will be prompted to select which store they want to access from a drop-down menu (Pic 4.1). They select their store and press the Login button (Pic 4.2) Pic 4.1Pic 4.2 1. Home Screen The Home screen of the application shows the customer a small summary of their most important information. These are the elements of the Home screen (Pic 5.1): A. Store Information: This panel shows the Store Name, Logo, Address, and Contact Information. Tapping on the email or phone number will allow the customer to take those actions on their phone. Also, once you click the drop-down, the store information will show up. The send button is also available. See (Pic 5.2) B. Pay Order Button: Tapping on the Pay Order will allow you to process the payment using credit card (if registered) google pay or apple pay. C. Schedule Pick-Up: This allows the user to schedule a pickup with the store. D. Navigation Bar: This is a persistent navigation bar throughout the app that allows the customer to move between the different sections. Pic 5.1Pic 5.2 6**. Orders** The orders section displays your customer's orders. Note that this section has filters that will show Open/All Orders and Dates to filter to a specific time period. Pic 6.1 1. Order Details If the customer taps on an order in the list, it will show the details for that order (Pic 7.1). The details include key dates regarding the order as well as the pieces that were worked and all the pricing and payments. The send message, cancel order and pay order button is also available. Pic 7.1 1. Promos The Promo section lists all the store’s available promotions. It also shows the customer the Loyalty Points they have accumulated if your store runs a Loyalty/Membership points program. Finally, it also shows the customer their rank. This is calculated by the total amount of sales each customer has with your store. The customer who has spent the most at your store will be rank 1, and so on down the line until the customers that have spent the least. Either or both can be hidden if you wish. Currently, there isn’t a way for the customer to apply promotions to their orders directly from the mobile app. It will only list the promos. Pic 8.19. Profile The profile section allows customers to manage their information. In Pic 9.1 you can see that customer can edit their name, email, phone number, and address. Any changes made from this section will also be reflected in the Enlite application at the store. Pic 9.1Scrolling down a little reveals a few more preferences the customer can edit (Pic 9.2). Here customers can determine what notifications they receive by toggling them on or off. They can set their default starch level for their orders. They can also select the delivery service. They can also share the app by having a QR code. Pic 9.2 Finally, the customer can also save a credit card with which to pay orders in the application by tapping on the “HERE” link (Pic 9.3). Pic 9.3 1. Saving Credit Cards The app will prompt the customer to enter their credit card information. The required fields may vary depending on your payment processor. 10.1 1. Scheduling a Pick-Up If the customer taps the Schedule Pick-Up button on the Home screen, they will be taken to a screen where they can request a pickup. This screen may vary depending on your configuration. We have multiple presentations of this screen and you can view them here. 2. The Schedule Pick-Up option requires configuration, so if you have the application and don’t see a schedule Pick-Up button, there are a few prerequisites: - The Pickup Schedule option must be configured, if it has not been configured, please contact [email protected] - The customer must be assigned to a route In this version of the Schedule Pick-Up screen (Pic 11.1), the customer may enter the number of items/pieces they have for pickup and specify notes or special instructions. Note that the customer can see the days the route runs, in the pic below the route runs daily but only the days specified for the route will appear so the customer knows when to expect pickup. Pic 11.1 When the customer enters the number of pieces, the Schedule Pick-Up button becomes enabled so they can submit the order. The Notes field is optional. Pic 11.2When the customer presses the Schedule Pick-Up button, it submits the order and will be visible for the store in the Enlite application. For the store to work. The customer will receive a confirmation that the order was created successfully (Pic 11.3). Pic 11.3

Last updated on Jul 19, 2024